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8 marketing strategy - how to do marketing


What is Marketing

Marketing is a means or platform, to promote our products and services, through which we attract the customer to take our product or service, it is called marketing.

In marketing, you put the value of your product in the memory of the customer. Marketing is the way by which people get acquainted with your business to fulfill their needs and desires.

Why is marketing important in business?

No matter how good your product or service is, if people do not know about it, then your product or business can never run. That's why marketing is essential in business.

Friends, in today's time it is easy to do business by spending money, but if people do not know about your business or product, then your business is not going to run much.

For you to make your business successful, it is necessary that you go out of your scope and reach out to the people your thinking or services. And create a customer base for yourself In today's time, advertising selling and promotion is going on very fast, but friends marketing is not limited to this.

Types of marketing in business

Although there are many ways of marketing, but you need the right way based on your business and looking at the budget. You should make the right selection of this six p before launching your product and services in the market.

1.Product   means the product you are about to launch, how much is used for what you are selling. Are they necessary for your area? Does your product solve people's burning problems? Keeping all these things in mind, the product should be launched i.e. batch should be done.

2.  Price After this, you should keep the following things in mind while choosing the price of your product, such as what kind of people live in your community, such as law class, middle class, or high class, choose the price of your product on the same basis. Along with what people need your product, such as children, youth, or elderly, keeping all these things in mind, choose the price of your product.

3.   Promotion means how you should promote your product, such as - advertising, direct selling, cross selling, network marketing, online marketing, social media marketing, e-commerce, etc. How do you bring your product to the audience i.e. customer You should decide what you want.

4.people i.e. by whom do you want to reach your product or service to the people. Like direct sellers, hall sellers, or you bring your product to the audience through a celebrity.

5.Process  By which process do you want to deliver your product to the customer, it is very important to reach the product quickly to the customer.  You should select these six P's properly, then you should do marketing of your product and services, you are going to get a lot of benefit from this.

8 strategy marketing

Let us know the best ways to do marketing by which you can increase your business.

1.cousemar market

This means friends, you should prepare your product or services like this, that is, some such reasons should arise. So that your customers do not go towards the tempting offers and buy your own products. For this, you will have to make the quality of your product most unique, friends, if your product is unique and branded, then the customer can never leave you.

For example, Apple iPhone never does advertising, yet they have a very good market because their products are the most unique. So that the customer never leaves. That's why you have to make such a product, which you do not even have anyone. If you do this, then your competitors will not be there in the market and customers will be associated with you for life.

2. Advertising

Friends, this is such a marketing that can give you success very quickly, will make your business grow very quickly. For this you will also have to pay more cost, if you also have the budget and want to grow your business fast, then you should do advertising.

You can get your product advertised through many mediums such as – social media, TV, newspaper, radio, display advertising, blog, medium, you can choose according to your budget. But in today's time, you can make the most of advertising by advertising your product on Facebook. Because it is the most popular, and Facebook ads help in reaching the target audience, you can take the help of YouTube for this.

3.Cross Marketing

Cross marketing is marketing in which the customers are the same. But their product does not get the same. By doing this the marketing rich increases but the budget remains the same. Friends, this is free marketing, in this you have to see a good business partner. And you promote his product, in return he promotes your product.

For example, Apple iPhone promotes the Nike brand, while on the other hand, the Nike brand promotes Apple.

Mc Donald’s– coca cola

Kit-ket – Android app Google

There are many examples that promote each other. And this is very effective marketing, because it does not even cost you. But you also have to keep one thing in mind that, the partner in front should not cheat on you.

4. Trade marketing

This trade show marketing is becoming very popular, the coming of all the customers under one roof is called trade show marketing. What happens in this, all the similar products related to any one product are found under one roof.

In this, you get more results in less effort and also get new customers, but you can keep promotion or if or, unusual demonstration here so that people get attracted to you and everyone else's traffic also comes to you.

5. Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing has also become very popular, it is growing very fast in today's time. According to the FICCI report, in the coming four years, 84 crore people are going to be active on social media in India, which is the highest in the whole world.

You do not miss such a big market, here you share and promote your product other than yours, if your product is good, then in today's time people are spending four to five hours on social media, this is a very good marketing platform. to do.

If someone liked your product and shared it on social media, then there will be more trust towards your product, social media is working everywhere in every business.

6.freebie marketing

You must be looking strange to see what it is, give it for free, this marketing can also give you great success in every business. What you have to do in this is to give a small product of low value for free so that it becomes easy for you to sell a high value product. In this, it settles in the mind of the customer that he is getting this product for free. More customers come, you are sold a lot of products with the free product.

7.Internet Marketing

Friends internet marketing is growing very fast. Also, the cost is also not high and they are also effective, in today's time there can be many ways of internet marketing.

For example, marketing can be done through social media, website, blogging, ecommerce, email, etc. This marketing will prove to be very profitable for you. You just have to use it correctly step by step.

8. Viral Marketing

Viral marketing means that you do something different, that is, different from which your product or service becomes viral in the market. Just once your product becomes viral in the market or else you will get a customer line.

9.under cover marketing

10. Outbound marketing vs. inbound marketing

11. Business to consumer marketing to business marketing

13.Niche marketing

14. Direct selling marketing


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