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Difference between Linux And UNIX ?

UNIX is a copyrighted name that's used only by some main companies IBM, AIX, HP-UX and sun solarizes.   So let's start-Linux vs UNIX  1- Vignette- Linux  is an open source operating system that can be downloaded for free.  Unix is an operating system that only its copyrighters can use.  2- Cost ( Price)- Linux  is freely distributed, freely downloaded. It's also distributed by books and magazines.   It also has priced renditions but it's cheaper than Windows.  The cost of UNIX is determined by its mark sellers. Its price may vary for each seller.  3- Development And Distribution- Linux  is open source, it's developed by participating and combining the laws of originators from all over the world and it's distributed by numerous sellers.  UNIX  was developed by AT&T, non profit society and numerous other salable sellers.  4-Manufacturer- The Linux kernel has been developed by originators around the world a...